
Proud home of TREX GmbH.

The entire IT world of hardware and software.

From A for, in the beginning it was just an idea, to Z for, sit back and enjoy.
We For you. TREX GmbH.


Software consulting

It's summer again and the grilling season has begun. You think, do I want to join in? Do I need a new grill? Should it be gas, electricity or coal? Then it continues: which meat or vegetables? And – where is the grill thermometer? The steak should ultimately be medium rare, so the temperature should only be between 66 and 70 degrees. Pure stress!

But, do I need all of this? Isn't a normal grill and normal meat, no frills enough?

Such questions also arise when it comes to software: What and why is it needed?

Especially with software, you can spend a lot of money on the wrong or unnecessary things or, at the other extreme, you save money in the wrong places. The areas of application of the software often overlap. Keeping track of what a product does is not always easy.

We at TREX go through your wishes and work with you to see what your hardware needs and what you need yourself. We make recommendations and, if desired, can purchase this software together with you from a dealer you trust.

No matter whether it's just an antivirus program, the software to network your living room and make it smart, or the complete equipment of your office or company. We as TREX support you every step of the way.

3D modeling

Since the first fully modeled and animated dinosaurs appeared on screens in 1993, 3D modeling had finally emerged from its niche existence. Today it is no longer possible to imagine the entertainment industry without it.

Would you also like a 3D model for your purposes, according to your specifications? We create this.

It doesn't matter whether you just want a figure for your own software or a copy of your house in 3D. It can also be a modern logo for your company or Twitch channel.

We are also technically able to create machine components or product models according to your specifications. Also for your 3D printer.

Of course, the models can also be textured and “brought to life” with a material of your choice.

We can also revise or perfect an existing model if desired.

App development

You have a vision! Something completely new! Or something that already exists? – But your idea is even better?!

Maybe you have a program or game in mind? One that hasn't existed on the mobile market before, but you are firmly convinced that this product is still missing. Maybe there is even a gap in the market for this?

Or you already have software but would like to make it mobile-ready.

Would you like to connect two worlds? We can help out here too. How about a garden gate that could be controlled with an app on your smartphone or smartwatch?

Limits are often not set by technology, but by imagination. Just because you dream something doesn't mean you have to be a designer and programmer to make it happen.

TREX makes your app wishes come true, whether for you privately or for a company. It doesn't matter whether it's Google Android or Apple iOS. Just talk to us.

Data protection

Great. Someone has done something wrong again. The monkey should never have been in the photo! At no time was his consent asked. In the past you would have simply said I was on a safari, there were a lot of monkeys running around. But today? Today everything is different. Maybe some people can still remember before May 25, 2018, when the world was still in order.

But now, over and over. After all, today, in our enlightened and modern world, everyone needs a job. Sign the forms, put them in the envelope, put the address and stamp on it and go for it. Then all of a sudden there's such a nice warning in my mailbox? But why? I haven't had anything to do with these people yet? Until now!

Yes, yes in times of BDSG, GDPR & Co, the digital world is becoming much more interesting.

That's why we help you through this “interesting” world. We bring your blog or website up to date in terms of data protection. As required by law and adapted to your needs (e.g. Google Analytics, maps, contact forms, etc.). If you wish, this can also be checked and approved by a specialist lawyer.

Of course, we also take on many other data protection positions in the world of IT. General terms and conditions, formulations in IT texts or in the planning of your business on the IT side.

Ask us. We continue to help. Before you get unwanted mail.

*GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
*BDSG - Federal Data Protection Act


There is that moment in life when you make a profound change. For yourself, but sometimes also for all of humanity. And often without knowing anything in advance.

In the winter of 1971, sometime in November or December, there was such a moment. Ray Tomlinson invented electronic mail in Cambridge near Boston. At this time he was researching Arpanet for his employer, from which the Internet would develop. In six hours he managed to write a program with which the first electronic mail could be written, read and sent. At first this only happened between two computers in the room, but soon this process would be called “e-mail”. A good 30 years later, ten billion of them are being chased through the endless expanses of the World Wide Web every day.

Often, as in the story before, it is just a single piece of news that decides a lot. In the more paperless IT world, emails are also a backbone of communication with others.

No matter whether for private or business matters. At TREX we provide you with many domain extensions. We also take over your existing email servers or host a new one for you. Of course, we also offer many services related to email, such as mail backup mailboxes and many more.

Of course, all of the services we host run on servers located in Germany. You never know who might try to read along.

Graphic design

You have this dream. It's THE logo you've always wanted. For yourself, for the club, for the company, maybe even for a product.

You quickly made a few sketches or at least tried to capture it in your mind. But how do we proceed? This often requires a creative mind to take on the issue and create a product from your great vision. And it shouldn’t matter which medium you need the illustrations or graphics for.

TREX makes this dream come true with you. Whether a logo for the club or advertising graphics or document design. Should it perhaps also be photographs or moving images, such as drone shots?

Of course, we also incorporate all images and graphics into one work. No matter whether you have a concept or just a vague idea.

We can also take care of the complete design and further processing for printing, for example. Just ask us.

Installation service

The days of the blue screen are mostly over these days. Your computers, printers, cell phones and all other devices on which a piece of well or poorly programmed software is installed still don't want to do what they're supposed to do? Are you still unable to connect your car to your mobile device? Installations not running? Especially not deinstallations?

If the answer is yes, don't wait a minute. Pick up your phone and call the professionals – the TREX hunters! Our courteous, efficient staff is on call 24 hours a day to help you with any problems you may have. We are always ready to believe your words.

We are there for you for almost all software problems. So that you don't have to tear your hair out of your head or bite the keyboard - the software was also written by only one person. A person can also solve the problems again.

(24 hour support unfortunately only for existing customers)

Project management

Every New Year, many people make new resolutions. They want to exercise more, simply stop sleeping as long or change their diet. Lots of small and big resolutions.

The wishes are quickly said. However, the route from A to B is much more difficult to manage than initially assumed. There are things that you didn't think about, that you didn't take into account or that you just didn't know that could make your life difficult.

Such problems can also arise in projects within a company. This is where project management comes into play. TREX takes over the requirements and ideas for your project, creates a smooth process for your hardware and software requirements and merges them if necessary. Of course, we also take on a lot of the work that might arise around it.

Ultimately, at the end of the project the result should be what was desired at the beginning.

Social media

It is the year 490 BC. They are preparing to deliver a message. The Persians are coming and you want to seek help against these invaders in Sparta. There is no horse at hand, so we head towards Sparta on foot. After two days and 245 km you have reached your destination and deliver your heartfelt message.

No matter whether in ancient Laconia by means of a messenger, in the Middle Ages by a bard, or since early modern times in the form of a newspaper. News was always spread. People wanted to express themselves and share. This is also how the form of advertising began.

Today, social media has long since taken over this function.

TREX helps you or your company to successfully get in touch with people, to be found by them and to successfully network and exchange ideas with them. Be it through text messages via Twitter, photos on Instagram, videos on YouTube or another means or channel of your choice.

We would also be happy to manage your entire social media presence.

Software development

In 1987, a young game developer at the age of 19 achieved something that seemed unthinkable and impossible to many. He programmed three computer games and made it to the top of the sales lists with all three. At a time when software programming worked very differently. However, he was strong-willed and goal-oriented. His name? Chris Roberts.

Even today it still polarizes the software development industry. His “Star Citizen,” which has been in development since 2012, is driven by a vision that has never been seen on this scale before. Many had tried similar projects and immediately gave up or failed. Even if Mr. Roberts completed only 50% of Star Citizen, he would have accomplished more than anyone before him in this field of software development. And so far he seems to be on the right track, even though it is already 2024. Yes, software development can take time...

Everything starts with a thought or a vision. Whether big or small. In software development, the biggest obstacle is often frustration or because you expect or want something different.

If the frustration gets too much for you or you simply want something completely different to be implemented, TREX can help here too. We would be happy to create the software you want, adapted to your purposes, in a programming language that you may prefer. So you may be able to service them yourself. Of course, the software is also provided with the necessary interfaces that you need for your work. Of course, we can also take care of the complete training and maintenance.


How often do you see young people on Instagram posting pictures with the comment: Cuddle up on the couch today and watch a film at provider-XYZ 😉.

This is just one form of streaming.

You can receive streams from all kinds of devices, whether radio, TV, computer, cell phone or any other device. And if the interaction between hardware and software is right, this can be a great experience. But not only receiving but also sending signals is a form of streaming. This not only includes your own live stream on Twitch, but also, for example, sending your favorite series via the television to the tablet.

The most common obstacle to a perfect streaming function is the correct setting of the software components. In addition to the image and sound transmission, this also includes the bandwidth, the software used, frequencies and much more. To ensure that your technology and software and, accordingly, your streams function properly, TREX helps you set everything up according to your ideas.

We are also happy to support all streamers who distribute their productions via Twitch, for example. We not only set up the hardware for you, but also help you create accounts or calibrate the software. So that you can successfully concentrate on what you do best. To yourself and your viewers!

Streaming – for you, your home, your business, your family, your friends, your employees.

Search engine optimization

They stand in the forest at night. Nothing but trees around you. No matter which direction you look, they all look similar. No path visible. The moon doesn't want to be a real ally today either. It only hangs faintly, behind dark clouds.

You rummage through your pockets and find a tiny flashlight. First thought: “Great, light!” The beam of light illuminates a space one meter in front of you. “Great” quickly turns into disillusionment.

Well, it is what it is. As we all know, the journey is the destination. So you take another look around and start walking. The road or a path has to appear at some point.

It's mean, but the path was ten meters to the left behind you. After a few hours in the forest under the dim moonlight, you will find out.

Welcome to SEO – search engine optimization for your private or business content on the Internet. We'll help you ensure you don't get lost in the internet jungle.


In many countries there are traditions of decorating your home for certain festivals. Not just from the inside, but especially from the outside. Sometimes it's just the apartment door, sometimes the entire garden. A doormat is enough to give a guest something to think about. Because often these very things are a kind of figurehead for the residents.

It is the same with your own website or websites. It doesn't matter whether you are a practice that specializes in people or animals, a small business that sells Crocs, a company that produces wiring harnesses, a public body that also pays close attention to website accessibility or just you, to share your cooking recipes or even to create a memorial. A website or website represents you and what you want to stand for.

This should meet current standards, not only in terms of functional and stylish design, but also in terms of safety.

TREX wants to ensure that your website, if desired, has its uniqueness and does not get lost in the mass of many modular websites.

Of course, we can also take over the complete hosting and maintenance of your website.


Hardware consulting

You need to get a new garden hose for your garden. Wow, back to the mall again.

When you arrive, a friendly salesperson will notice you. You explain to him that you need a garden hose. “Oh, a garden hose, interesting. But have you heard about the promotion in the fishing range?” The promotion is good. Actually, at this price there is nothing wrong with a new fishing rod. In five years you were planning on doing a little fishing anyway.

Now the seller asks whether they even have a suitable car so that everything can be stored neatly and stylishly. There is such an offer on pick-ups. And now that you have a yacht and a trip to the South Seas under your belt, you realize where the hare is headed...

We will explain to you matter-of-factly our assessment of the hardware you need, what you absolutely need and what you could save or buy later. We will also explain the price differences, where money can be saved and where it is better to invest. Often it doesn't have to be a branded product with gold circuits.

No matter whether you want to get your grandchild a laptop for studying, your child a PC for learning and playing, or a tablet for yourself for working. We would like to help you. If desired, we will work together to select all the components and will be happy to advise you directly on site at your trusted dealer. Of course not just with computers.

Computer service

Noble ladies, dear gentlemen, listen to what has been announced to you!

Is your computer serf defying your orders again? Does the water cooling system leak like an unwaxed wine barrel? Was the printer just spitting out like a wyvern without being guilty of awakening it? Or does your abacus simulator stay in the old state and close itself to something new? Worse still, would you find it quite difficult to part with something like that?

So don't despair! We, the magicians of TREX, come to you on horseback and fight such demons!

Maybe not on a white horse, but with enough horsepower to get to you quickly. We also tackle your spewing printer or stubborn computer and the problems that come with it!

We also offer an additional service for anyone who wants to completely replace their computer. Should it be a simple computer or something very special? One for your office or for gaming? We would be happy to completely adapt the exterior to your wishes. Should this possibly be dipped in oil and installed in a decorated living room table? A case with engraved initials? Everything is possible.

We advise you and also carry out all assembly work.


There is that moment in life when you make a profound change. For yourself, but sometimes also for all of humanity. And often without knowing anything in advance.

In the winter of 1971, sometime in November or December, there was such a moment. Ray Tomlinson invented electronic mail in Cambridge near Boston. At this time he was researching Arpanet for his employer, from which the Internet would develop. In six hours he managed to write a program with which the first electronic mail could be written, read and sent. At first this only happened between two computers in the room, but soon this process would be called “e-mail”. A good 30 years later, ten billion of them are being chased through the endless expanses of the World Wide Web every day.

Often, as in the story before, it is just a single piece of news that decides a lot. In the more paperless IT world, emails are also a backbone of communication with others.

No matter whether for private or business matters. At TREX we provide you with many domain extensions. We also take over your existing email servers or host a new one for you. Of course, we also offer many services related to email, such as mail backup mailboxes and many more.

Of course, all of the services we host run on servers located in Germany. You never know who might try to read along.

Mobile Devices

Bought the latest laptop, maybe even the latest cell phone, quickly unpacked it, switched it on and off you go. Of course with the fastest processor or a great camera. But what else can it do, apart from maybe scoring points with a stylish case?

Most devices usually only come with an information flyer. You look in vain for instructions. A lot of things are supposed to be “intuitive”. Which is true for many things, but you can often get so much more out of a smartphone, for example, than just making a phone call and sending text messages. Then a flip cell phone would suffice - which would even have a longer battery life.

We at TREX will help you and go through the possibilities of your device with you, explaining step by step which features are installed and where many hidden but still useful functions are located. Also those that concern your security or data protection, for example.

Ask us! Whether it's a tablet, mobile phone, laptop or PC is completely irrelevant - we help with all handy and less handy devices.


The topping out ceremony celebrates the shell of a house. You can already see the rough outlines of what the house will look like later and look forward to the evenings ahead in front of the fireplace. A separate office is also planned.

Now all that's left is the finishing touches. Fine parquet floors, tiles in the kitchen and bathroom in colors that match the furniture. Far-sighted as you are, you also thought of a power connection in the garage that is compatible with the charging technology of electric vehicles.

But did you also think about network cables when planning? Where do network sockets have to be installed? Where will router locations be? Are enough sockets installed in the necessary places? Are the cables chosen correctly?

Network planning often begins before the actual construction of a building. Regardless of whether it is a single-family home or an office building.

TREX takes over the planning, management and monitoring of data networks and WLAN networks. We also check functionality and carry out error diagnosis in data networks and WLAN.

We bring the network to where you need it.

Project management

Every New Year, many people make new resolutions. They want to exercise more, simply stop sleeping as long or change their diet. Lots of small and big resolutions.

The wishes are quickly said. However, the route from A to B is much more difficult to manage than initially assumed. There are things that you didn't think about, that you didn't take into account or that you just didn't know that could make your life difficult.

Such problems can also arise in projects within a company. This is where project management comes into play. TREX takes over the requirements and ideas for your project, creates a smooth process for your hardware and software requirements and merges them if necessary. Of course, we also take on a lot of the work that might arise around it.

Ultimately, at the end of the project the result should be what was desired at the beginning.

Smart Devices

You stand in the electronics store and the product in front of you is advertised as having “smart components”. “Ok,” you think, “I’ve heard about that.” Smart devices are supposed to be intelligent devices. But with a toaster?! He flashes and whistles the national anthem in different chords and can also burn a smiley face onto the toast. But does that make him “smart”?

The world has become weirder and more absurd in many corners. Smart here, smart there. There are almost no real smart devices. Just because a television can be connected to the Internet doesn't mean it has actually become smarter.

In a world full of smart barbecue grills, TREX is here to help. We advise you on devices, set them up and explain the functions and operation to you. We will also show you the possibilities that a device offers and how you can exploit them in conjunction with other devices.

No matter whether it's connecting the TV and sound system via a NAS with a voice assistant, calibrating and connecting a smart board, or connecting and monitoring the washing machine via your smartphone. We take on all “smart” devices.


Today is a joyful day. The family has grown. It's an LED LCD 8K Dingsda SmartTV.

All you have to do is connect this baby to the soundbar, the other speakers and the subwoofer. Then feed it with playback devices such as Blu-Ray players and games consoles. Additionally, the computer is connected to the larger display of the television so that family photos can be viewed in a relaxed manner. After a short nap, the digital camera and a webcam were connected and at the same time the signal mirroring option was integrated so that the TV signal from “Sunny” could also be received in the kitchen. Of course, all devices are connected to the WLAN where possible or necessary; Apart from the necessary power connection cables, everything is of course wireless - goodbye to cable clutter! Finally, so that everything can be comfortably heard via a smart speaker from the second floor to the garden, the voice assistant and the mobile phone app were set up. It could be that the neighbor also wants to listen to the song. And done!

Then it can finally start, right? More likely: From A, in the beginning, it was a lot of work, to Z, it's too late to enjoy it today. But tomorrow!

When everything is installed, connected and networked correctly, streaming can be a great experience. In this case, the future is welcome. But please without all the work.

We at TREX will be happy to advise you and of course install everything so that all you have to do is enjoy it.

Telephone systems

It's often a vexing issue in the summer: you've barely wanted to take the phone into the garden or garage before all you hear is a hissing noise in the receiver or the subscriber is completely gone.

The situation is similar with the internet connection, even though a fixed speed was booked with the provider in the store. But somehow everything is so slow.

And if you ask the hotline, the announcement comes: Your contract has been switched to Voice-over-IP. Yes, and what do I get out of it now? Or not?

TREX takes care of your communication systems and all associated problems. This includes telephone and conference systems, Internet access and transmission protocols and all other forms of communication devices.


There is something that can be very dangerous. Something threatening and frightening. It winds its way through all the rooms and hallways. Through the whole house! This something, with its smooth, firm skin, can grow very long. It squeezes through the smallest niches and winds around all corners. And to make matters worse, it's nothing but trouble: it's never where you need it, always in the way and always tangled. The cable!

But with TREX this horror is over because we are declaring war on cable clutter!

We carry out planning, assembly and expansion of cabling and bring structure to all kinds of cabling.

With us you will no longer fall over cables or tear down devices. And you get your network where you need it. No matter whether in your home or office.

Networked monitoring technology

The suitcases are packed. The children and the dog are ready. The car is ready to go - your vacation can begin. All you have to do is secure your home so that there are no nasty surprises waiting for you after your vacation. Lock all windows and doors, check all motion detectors and turn on the alarm system. Close the front door and we're gone!

Unfortunately there was a power outage during the vacation. The alarm system started up again, but was reset to factory settings again. The router now also has problems getting a stable internet connection, which is why it is not possible to retrieve information from the alarm system while on the move.

Well-connected surveillance technology works differently! It should also protect the home well in the event of a power outage. From the front door to the farthest corner. From the basement to the roof. This does not only apply to burglary protection, but also to smoke detectors, flood sensors, temperature and air sensors, door locks, peepholes and much more. As with a team, the same applies to surveillance technology: we are only strong together!

In use for you. This even applies worldwide for software development and maintenance.
Throughout Germany with a focus on Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony, here also without costs for travel, for your hardware, including 24-hour support for existing customers – if desired.

And don't worry - our competent and trained staff with many years of experience uses all transport options, from bicycles to jumbo jets, to get to you and save the day. Even in critical areas and infrastructure, of course discreet and data protection compliant.

From private users to large business owners and everyone in between, we are there for you.
TREX GmbH – complete IT service from a single source.

Monday to Saturday
7:00am. - 10:00pm